unbuilt proposals

Obsolete Timepiece | by Anna Koosmann
2016 Silverwood Park
temporary site-specific installation proposal

Artist Statement
Silverwood Park hosts a beautiful cross-section of Minnesota's natural landscapes, where prairie/forests flourish and a small island set on Silver Lake allows urban hikers a chance to reflect and daydream.  The park trails are organized into a continuous loop; one can feel comfortable getting lost in thought and draw in the sounds of nature.  Time slows.  Silverwood's old red and white oaks exist on stretched out time, outliving all the ephemeral species in the park.  Trees record time through growth rings.  Monumental in their grandness, the oak tree is grandfather time.  Park visitors can ponder over the concept of time through the obsolescence of each fallen oak tree.  By splicing old, decaying trees lying in their natural state, and reassembling them into upright timepieces, the tree installations provide a new perspective about time.  Visitor's can count the rings between each section, while the number of trunk sections represent the age of the tree.  The trees are composed only of the natural hard wood and the space between, allowing one to pause between the trunk sections and gaze through each sculpture out toward the landscape beyond.  The red and white oak tree installations provoke new discoveries at Silverwood, monumentalizing the life of fallen trees, beyong their time.

Unfolding Pressions | by Anna Koosmann and Emily Stover
2015 Jardins de Metis, Reford Gardens
temporary site-specific installation proposal

Artist Statement
Unfolding Pressions introduces a bold form driven by the context of the art garden.  Naturally occurring moments are mimicked and reinterpreted through the juxtaposition of artificial interventions and synthetic sound vibrations.  This sculptural element is both observed and experienced which contributes to the renewal of the art garden.

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